The Network

In the Network tab of Braver, you will find your network. This network is yours, meaning you are the only one who can see what you add to it, and it allows you to easily access the people or teams you work with most frequently, so you can quickly communicate with them.

Feel free to consult our dedicated guides to quickly understand how to use the network.

The network in a few lines
  • Braver allows healthcare professionals to collaborate with all the actors surrounding their patients, whether they work in the same organization or not. Braver enables validated healthcare professionals to find other healthcare professionals working in different organizations: this is called the Braver Network.

  • The Internal Network includes all members of the same organization who exchange on Braver. For example, by clicking on a workplace, you can see all the members of the internal network of a healthcare establishment.

The directory in a few lines
  • In the Network tab of Braver, you can find all members of the internal or external network of your workplace in the search bar.

  • If you frequently communicate with a healthcare professional, it is a good practice to add them to your directory. Adding them to discussion threads will be faster as they will be suggested immediately.

  • When you add a professional to your directory, they are not notified.

  • If you invite a colleague to be a friend, they will also be added to your directory immediately and will be notified of this request.

Searching the Network

To add workplaces and people to your network, you must first find them.

The search tool at the top of the page allows you to find other employees of your organization, as well as other healthcare professionals and workplaces in the Braver Network.

To find healthcare professionals outside your organization, you must have a validated profession.

Your profession can be validated in two ways:

Once you have found the people or workplaces you want to keep handy, click the Add to my directory! button.

The profile in a few lines
  • When a colleague finds you in the Braver directory or clicks on your name in a care channel, they can view your profile.

  • Your profile includes your photograph, a space to describe yourself, your profession, and your workplace(s).

  • It allows you to ensure that you are talking to the right person and to learn more about them.

Your Workplaces

If you are part of an organization on Braver, you will immediately see your workplaces in your network. By navigating through these, you will see your teams of colleagues and can add some of these colleagues to your directory to make them even more accessible if relevant.

If you are not part of an organization on Braver, you are still invited to identify your workplace by finding it on the Network or creating it. This will allow your colleagues on the network to find you if needed.

The workplaces in a few lines
  • A workplace groups healthcare professionals who work together in a practice location (e.g., a private clinic, a pharmacy, a hospital center, etc.).

  • A healthcare organization can gather multiple workplaces.

Your Friends

It is possible to ask colleagues to be "friends" on Braver. If you are invited to be a friend by one of your colleagues, you will receive a notification.

When you are friends with another Braver user,

  • You have access to a private place to chat with this person, called direct messages. No one else but you and your friend can access the information exchanged there.

  • If you share your phone number in your profile, your friend can call you directly with one click.

  • You and your friend can start a Braver audio or video call with each other at any time.

Last updated