Restricting your network visibility allows you to appear in searches for specific professions only. This means you will be invisible to certain professions, while others can easily find you if they want to collaborate.
Start by navigating to your profile at the bottom of the screen.
Select the Settings tab.
Select Restrict My Visibility.
Click in the bar to display the dropdown menu.
Select a profession for which you want to restrict your visibility. This profession will not be able to find you during a network search.
Once the profession is selected, click Add to List.
Repeat these steps for all relevant professions.
To save your choices, click Save at the top right.
Currently, once the friend request is accepted, it is impossible to close the direct messaging channel.
This is a limitation that will be corrected soon.
To accept a friend request, go to Network tab and select this friendship icon in top right.
Select the received invitation.
At this point, you can Accept or Ignore the friend request. If you prefer to ignore the request, the person who invited you will not receive a message about it.
Adding a contact to your directory creates a shortcut that makes it easier to add this person when creating a discussion thread. Make sure to add your most frequent collaborators to your directory!
All your friends will be automatically added to your directory.
From Network page, search for the participant you want to add to your directory.
Select the participant to open their profile.
Click Add to My Directory.
The contact is now added to my directory. I can remove them if needed.
All participants in my directory are displayed on Network page under Contacts.
A direct message is only possible between two friends. You will need to send a friend request to the person of your choice, and they must accept before the direct messaging channel opens. Once the channel is open, you can chat freely.
Direct messages are not recorded in patient files and are only visible to you and your "friend".
Currently, once the friend request is accepted, it is impossible to close the direct messaging channel.
This is a limitation that will be corrected soon.
To initiate a direct message, go to Network tab or select direct messages under Home tab (see orange box).
Contacts with a paper airplane are your "friends", meaning you can send them direct messages.
Select the "friend" you want to write to, then click the paper airplane icon under their photo.
Write the message of your choice and add necessary content if needed. Send your message by selecting the purple arrow.
To be a good collaborator!
To better understand network-related concepts, do not hesitate to consult documentation.
Currently, once the friend request is accepted, it is impossible to close the direct messaging channel.
This is a limitation that will be corrected soon.
Click on Network tab and search for the person you want to add as a "friend".
Access their profile by selecting their name.
Select Request to be Friends.
At this point, your request will be pending response. You can cancel your request if you wish.
Your new "friend" can accept or ignore your invitation.
If the person accepts your invitation, their name will appear in Home > Direct Messages tab and you will be able to exchange freely with them.
From network tab, search for the name of the person you want to join.
They are not part of the network? Click on Invite a New Member.
Fill in all invitation fields. Make sure to choose the correct profession for your invitee. When you invite a member to the network, you vouch for their identity.
Add a security question that only the recipient knows the answer to. Like with a bank transfer, we want to ensure the right person accepts the invitation.
Select your preferred option between Invite by Email or Share Invitation Link to send via SMS for example.