Click on the care team for which you have a notification.
Here you can see a red badge with the mention 1 new discussion thread and the team is highlighted.
Then click on the message that shows the red badge with the mention Unread Discussion Thread.
The new discussion thread is now open!
You can reply to the message using the text box at the bottom of the page.
Then send your message by clicking on the upward-pointing arrow in the purple circle at the bottom right.
Open the discussion thread where you want to find an attachment.
In the discussion thread, click on the paperclip at the top right. Here you can see there is only one attachment in the thread.
In the attachments menu, you can display all attachments or sort them by format.
Here, the All filter is activated.
To see only photos, you can click on the Photos filter.
To exit the Attachments menu, click on the back arrow at the top left.
First, you need to access a discussion thread. Click on the care team that interests you. You may only have one care team, which is normal!
Access the discussion thread whose participants you want to see by clicking on it.
Once the discussion thread is open, click on the participant avatars at the top right.
You have now accessed the list of discussion participants!
In this example, Guylaine and Emilio are part of the doctors team, while Lucy is part of the pharmacists team.
There is an envelope near Emilio's name because he has not yet joined the discussion. It is therefore normal not to have a response from him!
In a discussion thread, you can click on the "+" symbol or paperclip icon to add an attachment.
If you are on a computer, click "Attach File" to add an image or any other documentation in PDF, DOC, or MP3 format.
If you are on a mobile device (phone or tablet), after clicking the "+" symbol, you will also have options to Take a Photo or Capture a Video.
A photo or video taken via Braver will not appear in your device's gallery.
To finish, press the purple arrow to ensure your photo, video, or attachment is sent.
When a discussion is completed, the care team can close the thread. The content will remain accessible, but you will no longer be able to exchange new messages.
Access the care team of your choice.
The page of your care team is divided into 2 sections (see orange boxes)
Active Discussion Threads
Closed Discussion Threads
Note that each closed discussion thread is marked with a checkmark.
Click on the closed discussion thread that interests you.
You have access to the entire discussion and attachments (paperclip at top right), if applicable.
Note that the closed discussion thread displays the mention: The discussion thread has been closed and it is impossible to add content to it. (See orange box at bottom of screen)