From the integrated bubble in a software like Gustav or Leomed, you will see a small QR code icon at the top center.
Click on it to display the session transfer QR code.
Using your mobile device, scan this QR code.
You will be asked to install the application, and then you will have access to your session without logging in. The QR code will give you direct access to your session.
If needed, you can quickly install the application by going to our download page before scanning the QR code.
When opening the application, click: Sign up for free!
Enter your email address and the password of your choice. Then select Create my account.
Retrieve the 6-digit security code from your emails and enter it in the provided text field.
Remember to check your spam folder if it does not appear in your email inbox quickly.
Scroll to the bottom of the page and accept the terms of use.
Create your recovery code by clicking Get Started.
Then click Create my recovery code. It will be in your emails.
Remember to check your spam folder if it does not appear in your email inbox quickly.
Keep this code in a safe place!
Create your profile. Click Create a profile to save your information.
Configure a PIN that will allow you to easily unlock your application if you do not have facial recognition. Click Configure.
Enter your PIN and repeat it a second time.
In the email you received, click on the button inviting you to accept the invitation.
One of the following screens might be displayed
If this is the first time you are opening Braver, and Braver has never been opened on your device, you will see a screen like the following:
You can then choose the "Create a new account" option to continue to step 3, unless you have already created a Braver account in the past (in which case you should choose the other option, and you will directly go to step 4).
If this is the first time you are opening Braver, but Braver has already been used by someone else on your device, you will see a screen like the following:
You can then choose the "Create a new account" option to continue to step 3, unless you have already created a Braver account in the past (in which case you should choose one of the other options, and you will directly go to step 4).
If you have already created your account in the past with the same email address as the invitation, but your session is not already active on your device, you will see a screen like the following:
In this case, you should enter your password and in the next step, the security code you will receive by email or SMS, in order to proceed to step 4.
If you have already created your account in the past with the same email address as the invitation, and your session is already active on your device, you will see a screen like the following:
In this case, you should simply enter your PIN to proceed to step 4.
Follow the account creation steps
This step is only necessary if this is the first time you are using Braver.
You can follow the tutorial for this purpose.
Enter the invitation secret code or answer the secret question
Depending on how the invitation was secured, you will either need to answer a security question or enter a 12-digit secret code (e.g., 1234-1234-1234).
If it asks for a secret code, you will find it under the invitation button in the invitation email you clicked on in step 1.
When opening the integrated bubble in software like Gustav or Leomed, you will see the following options:
If you have never used Braver independently or in a third-party software, choose the option "I do not have a Braver account yet".
You will be asked to confirm that you really want to continue without associating an existing Braver account, as the action will not be reversible.
You will then need to set up a PIN.
This PIN will be useful, among other things, if you want to use Braver on a mobile device.
Click on the corresponding button.
Then enter and repeat your PIN.
Finally, you will need to accept Braver's terms of use.
Scroll to the bottom, then click on the acceptance button if you want to continue.
You're done! Your Braver account is now activated!
From , click the session transfer button at bottom left.
Using your mobile device, scan this QR code.
You will be asked to install the application, and then you will have access to your session without logging in. The QR code will give you direct access to your session.
If needed, you can quickly install the application by going to our before scanning the QR code.
How to create your account!
To better understand the concepts related to account creation, do not hesitate to consult the documentation.